Trump Assassination Attempt Questions Needing Answers ASAP

Trump assassination attempt

PRAY WITH US about Trump assassination attempt: Father God, we exalt You as the author of life. We thank You for Jesus, who came to destroy the works of him who comes only to kill, steal and destroy. And we thank for sparing Trump’s life by inches, with him and many others giving glory to You. Yet we grieve for the brave life lost, and for the near loss of our country to unimaginable civil strife.

So spare us from further strife by showing clear answers to these questions? Let Your truth set us free from the lies that are already surrounding this crisis. And keep shining Your light until all can see what went wrong and Your way of setting it right. In this election year, protect all candidates and make Your good will known on every issue. Finally, establish Your chosen authorities who will root out evils and correct unjust character assassinations. And plant new works which by Your blessing will thrive. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Trump Assassination Attempt Questions Needing Answers ASAP

Why did the Secret Service (SS) not post an agent on the roof of that close-by building? There, anyone would have a clean shot at former president Trump. Why did the SS allow a man with a rifle to climb up to the roof? Apparently a ladder was waiting there.

Why did the SS and police not heed the many calls of spectators pointing to the armed man on the roof? Because spectators said that for several minutes they urged the SS and police to react, to no avail. Why did the policeman who did finally go up to the roof to confront the gunman back away from him? Allegedly, when Crooks pointed his rifle at him, he left instead of shooting Crooks down as he should have.

Why did the sniper who found Crooks in his crosshairs wait until after Crooks fired before firing at him?...

Read more in ETG article Assassination Attempt Questions Needing Answers ASAP.”


Credit: Assassination_attempt_of_Donald_Trump diagram, via Wikimedia Commons


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