Reset not Ruined—Prayer Guide to Avert Economic Crash

reset not ruined

PRAYER POINTS for Reset not Ruined:

  • Saudi Arabia will not sell oil to China denominated in Yuans.
  • Iran will not attack Israel.
  • Putin will agree to stand down in Ukraine and to negotiate a settlement.
  • India and Brazil will not join with China and Russia in a new world economic order.
  • China will not invade Taiwan.
  • The United States will balance its federal budget and reign in deficit spending.
  • The 28 states now working to establish their economies on a silver/gold standard will succeed.
  • Congress and the President will agree to raise the debt ceiling before more public fear materializes in reference to the banking system’s stability.

PRAYER ALERT: Reset not Ruined—Prayer Guide to Avert Economic Crash

What do we do with the multiple prophecies circulating about an economic crash in the US? Cindy Jacobs tracks prophecies as a longtime member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. Since 1985 she and her husband Mike have also led Generals of Intercession. So she has monitored the prophetic/intercessory movement ever since it began almost 40 years ago.

But many prophecies about an economic crash during that time have not come true. Not necessarily because the prophecies weren’t true. But the Lord was truer. Truer to His word that He would forgive and heal the land if we humble ourselves and pray. Because God often gives prophecies as warnings to pray against, not judgments to suffer.

Yet economists as well as prophets are predicting an impending crash. What else can we expect with deficit spending of a trillion dollars every 100 days? And in a world shaking with wars, rumors of wars, and nations devising vain things against God’s purposes? Let’s pray for a divine reset instead. Generals of Intercession has given us specific points to pray for (see above).


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