Israel’s Holy Land Claim—Both Biblical and Historical

Israel’s Holy Land Claim

PRAY WITH US about Israel’s Holy Land claim: Father God, from You every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. But You have named one Son Jesus to rule over us. And You have named one people, the Jews, as Your chosen vessels to bless the rest of the nations on earth. Thank You for both Your Son and Your people, with whom we can join to be Your children and people too. But most nations are cursing Israel instead of blessing it. And one nation—Iran—and its proxy terrorist groups are seeking to eradicate it from the earth.

Yet You are moving in Iran to convert tens of thousands from Islam to Jesus. Keep moving until You reach the highest levels of power. Warn them to turn from their wicked ways before more of their own devices explode and kill or maim them. If they don’t repent, disable their nuclear weapons and all devices aimed against Your chosen people. Let them turn back in shame and disgrace until they find Your grace in Christ. And comfort, comfort all those in Israel and Gaza who grieve lost loved ones and deliver them from more evils. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Israel’s Holy Land Claim—Both Biblical and Historical

Today marks one year since the atrocious Oct. 7 massacres of Israeli civilians by Hamas. They included beheadings even of infants, mutilation of women’s sexual parts and even broken pelvises. Hamas terrorists kept raping women even after they died.

Some civilians got dismembered or disemboweled. Fires devoured families in their homes. In all 1,200 brutal killings occurred, often before cheering Palestinian spectators. And they took 200+ hostages. This is what happens when Israel lets down its guard for one day, a holy day—Yom Kippur.

All because Palestinians in Gaza learn from an early age to despise Jews as unjust colonizers of their land. So they must drive all Jews out of Israel—“from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea.” But who holds the true right to that land? Both the Bible and history tell us—the Jews, God’s chosen people…

Read more in ETG article Israel’s Holy Land Claim—Both Biblical and Historical


Image: Promised_Land_Divided_into_Its_Tribes_and_Regions_WDL2885 Wikimedia Commons

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Abraham Accords, arab-jewish comminities, gaza, gaza rockets, gaza tunnels, Hamas, Hezbollah, Yoav Gallant, iran, Iron Dome, islamic militants, Israel, israeli settlements, muslim majority nations, palestinians, yom kippur war, Netanyahu, Holy Land, Promised Land, October 7, Naftali Bennett

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