Egypt’s Gaza Plan: EU, UN & Hamas Say Yes, Israel & US No

Egypt’s Gaza Plan

PRAY WITH US about Egypt’s Gaza plan: Father God, we exalt You as Father of lights, who delights in Your children. You also made us spiritual children of Abraham, along with his natural children the Jews and the Arabs. But You said that the Arabs as children of Ishmael would live in hostility toward all his brothers. And so it happened in Gaza that they have lived in extreme hostility toward the Jews. But also in such hostility toward other Arabs that they cannot find another Arab nation to live in.

Egypt wants them to resettle in Gaza even with the terrorist group that israel defeated there, making Israel’ victory void. But we pray that You will make clear to each nation that You have a plan to prosper them, not to harm them. Thank You for the beginnings of that plan proposed by Trump. So as Alpha and Omega, show them step by step Your narrow way to a lasting peace. Do not let them deviate from Your good plan. Set limits that would-be terrorists and criminals cannot cross. And find temporary and then permanent homes for the refugees. To most men this seems impossible. But all things become possible with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Egypt’s Gaza Plan: EU, UN & Hamas Say Yes, Israel & US No

On March 4 the Arab League endorsed an Egyptian plan to rebuild Gaza. So did Hamas. That alone should raise a red flag. But Israel, along with the US, has rejected it.  

Like the Trump plan, the first phase of Egypt’s plan focuses on clearing explosives and rubble. But unlike the Trump plan, its second phase builds temporary housing as it engages in reconstruction. It doesn’t build new housing until its third phase.

Hamas approves of the plan because it wants to rearm and launch terrorist attacks similar to that of Oct. 7. And to fulfill its genocidal long-term charter mission to wipe out Jews from the Jordan River to the sea…

Read more in ETG article Egypt’s Gaza Plan: EU & Hamas Say Yes, Israel & US No


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