GOP Party Platform—20 Promises for Forgotten People

GOP party platform

PRAY WITH US about GOP party platform: Father God, we exalt Your name as great over all the earth. You called us to disciple nations to make them great too. And You gave great promises for sharing Your greatness throughout the earth. So we ask that You not only send revival to make America as great as it was in its best days. But that You would make it greater to face the greater challenges it has ahead. And shine the kind of light that will make other nations seek Your greatness too. Hold the GOP accountable to these promises and show You can do much more.

Specifically for the US, we pray that You will seal its borders against criminals and stop the crime epidemic within. End policies that cause inflation, and make it thrive on the energy and productive power You have given it. Affirms constitution rights “granted by the Creator,” which no government can take away. Also, end weaponization of government against its own citizens. And provide a iron-dome defense against attacks and make wars cease to the ends of the earth. Finally, turn nations from war-makers to peace-makers, as You have promised in Isaiah 2:4. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: GOP Party Platform20 Promises for Forgotten People

So why isn’t the mass media paying more attention to the new GOP party platform? It went on social media. So far most Republicans are calling it the best platform of their lifetime. Because it boils down the MAGA agenda into 20 basic promises to the US’ “forgotten men & women.” And it states them in ways that few—except the most hardened leftists—can argue with.

Around the world, people should consider stances like these to make their countries great again. Especially those with an excess of migrants who should consider making their own countries great. Although only a few can become superpowers, all can focus on manufacturing their own goods well. And on promoting freedoms and free markets—with low taxes and regulations—that make nations thrive.

Here are the first ten promises. Each one can counter what the Harris/Walz ticket portends…

Read more in ETG article GOP Party Platform20 Promises for Forgotten People


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Tags: authoritarianism, invasion of Ukraine, Putin, religious freedom, russia, statism, autocratic rule, democracy, summit of the Americas, religious freedom, Chinese communists, woke orthodoxy, wokeness, iron dome, immigration, deportation, energy-independent, constitution, WWIII, GOP party platform

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