“Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end”—Isaiah 9:7
Prayer Campaign for the GOVERNMENT of Belize
Purpose of Government in the democratic nation of Belize:
To uphold “principles which acknowledge the supremacy of God”, and the exercise of “freedom… founded upon respect for moral and spiritual values and upon the rule of law…” (Preamble of the Constitution of Belize; see Pr. 1:7; Dt. 10:17-18; Ps. 136:1-9; Dan. 2:47; especially 1 Tim. 6:13-17; 1 Pet. 3:16-17)
- To keep the peace and administer justice in punishing criminal offenses (1 Tim. 2:1-2; Rom. 13:3-4)
- As representatives of the Belizean people, to carry out the mandates of majority vote within the boundaries of Constitutional protection of equal rights for minority groups and individuals (Acts 6:1-6), rights including freedom of thought, religion, conscience, expression, assembly and association. Constitutional provisions II.1.(d) and II.11.(1)
- To provide incentives and regulations that promote the common good, which is “the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily” (1994 Catechism no. 1906; see 1 Pet. 2:12-17)
- To compel all to bear their fair share of personal & financial burden for the common good (Rom.13:5-8)
Current conditions: Since independence from the UK in 1981, Belize has had a parliamentary democracy with general elections hotly contended by the two major parties. The party which wins the most seats in the House of Representatives selects a prime minister and holds the balance of power until the next election. Third parties have the potential of altering that balance of power. The judicial branch consists of magistrate’s courts and the Supreme Court with the final court of appeal being the Caribbean Court of Justice. Belize presently has more ties with former British Caribbean colonies than with Central American nations. The main foreign policy issue is the border with Guatemala. Guatemala still officially claims Belize’s territory as its own, but is beginning to offer more cooperation in stopping the illegal border intrusions and the threat of drug cartel activity.
- God to search our hearts for any tendencies of corruption. Forgive us for we have been passive too long
- Forgive us for lack of response when government has asked churches for help in the past
- Repentance on behalf of Belize, to be released from past ties and unholy alliances into our divine destiny
- Divine appointments leading to salvation for each member of the government and their families
- Clarity of mind for each of the voters in our future elections, and for them to know the value of their votes
- More individual & group active advocacy of ethical practices and divine solutions for our schools, workplaces, communities and nation
- Leadership development in the church to produce leaders for within & for outside the church
- Divine government for lives, families & churches “devoted to the apostles’ teaching” (Acts 2:42) so we can pray with more authority for the government of Belize
- Christians in politics who uphold the law and right of all to freedom of religion & expression, who work with those of differing worldviews to seek common ground & the common good, who seek God’s guidance but argue their positions according to reason more than faith, and who by Christian virtues and supernatural power in action attract others to Christ
- The body of Christ to unite as never before and be the salt of the earth as it responds
A prayer covering for church leaders, the legal team for the church, and those on the spearheading team who are fighting this issue - Recognition that unnatural sexual acts are not rights endowed by our Creator
- Recognition of the distinction between sodomites’ arguments for human rights, which they already have, and promotion of special rights to engage in unnatural acts that spread disease
- Grace to stand firm against the gay agenda in the face of economic and political pressures from US President Obama, UK Prime Minister Cameron, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
- Exposing how this perversion took root in Belize and how to eradicate it & gain freedom
- Confusion among the spiritual forces behind the sodomy lawsuit
- Conviction on UNIBAM’s legal team to abandon this ungodly & un-Belizean cause
- Victory after victory over attempts to legalize sodomy, same-sex marriage & abortion
- Lifting up Belize, the first of 80 nations which the gay agenda is targeting, as an example to the world of how to expose and defeat that agenda
- A release of sexual purity and holiness across our nation
- Growth for weekly police prayer meetings in Belize City
- Protection for Belize City children, the vast majority of whom have been exposed to gun violence
- Encouragement and protection for crime witnesses to testify, and for justice to prevail
- Comprehensive training for police, judges and attorneys
- Increase in murder conviction rate, which was only 5-7% in 2000-2010
- Just punishments that truly bring correction
- Exposure & eradication of all criminal gangs, and direction for gang members into productive lives
- Honor of Israel’s God-given eternal borders so that God will bless & keep Belize’s borders
- Protection of our borders against illegal intrusions by Guatemalans and others
- Honor, justice & constructive attitudes toward our legal and indigenous Maya citizens
- Affirmation of our border and establishment of right relationships with Guatemala
- Regional cooperation against Mexican drug cartels spreading into Central America
- More discoveries and protection of oil, gold, silver & other resources in Belize
- Provide Belize with His means to make each monthly payment on our $1+ billion Superbond debt
- Help Belize stand against financial pressures of gay agenda and drug gangs as a testimony of how our great God can uphold a small & humble nation
- Fidelity to the Constitution “founded on principles acknowledging the supremacy of God”
- A government of the people, by the people and for the people, according to law
- Workable checks and balances
- Divine overruling of misguided decisions and policies
- Disruption of plots and unholy conspiracies contrary to the common good
- Healthy fear of God and understanding of accountability to Him as well as to the people
- Conviction on those engaged in corruption, a grace period for course correction, and removal of those who refuse to cooperate with God’s grace
- Public servants of integrity who are true to their word, with a heart to serve all the people a passion for justice, and vision to develop Belize instead of self-interest
- Government that punishes crime, keeps peace, protects oppressed & minorities, and praises what is good (1 Pet. 2:15, 1 Tim. 2:1-2; Isa. 10:1-2) as defined by authorities on the 7 mountains
- Fair and enforced taxes
- Public understanding of the benefits of submission to lawful authority
- Clear, simple and necessary regulations for a fair and level playing field for businesses
- Healthy finances leading to increasing independence from the world economic system
- Resistance to pressures to cooperate with any world anti-Christ developments
- Clear communication and honest cooperation among government agencies
- Yearly audits to keep the government accountable and stable
- Development of clear and simple audit trails and internal controls to prevent corruption
- Ongoing appraisal & improvement making most of resources & changing conditions
- Wisdom and alertness in solving problems before they grow bigger
- Quick, accurate disaster warnings, with effectively networked responses & recovery plans
- Up-to-date resources keeping pace with technical developments
- Right relations between government & church, the nation’s moral conscience
- Relevant prayer and Bible study for each department of government
- Overcoming the powers behind the thrones by wrestling & prevailing in prayer
- Humility, repentance and more of Jesus in us will give us spiritual authority (Php. 2:3-11)
- We need to be on His rock when tribulations come, so we can speak with His authority
- Government works by law to punish evil with wrath, while the Church lives by faith to offer grace to evildoers (Rom. 12:17-13:10)