Nicaragua Closes 1500 Churches, Non-Profits for Non-Compliance

Nicaragua Closes 1500 Churches

PRAY WITH US about Nicaragua closes 1500 churches, that God will:

  1. Build His church, and not let the gates of Hades prevail against it. Nor allow our spiritual enemies to shut the gates of His churches. Instead, to convict government leaders that churches can help them against their true enemies.
  2. Restore to churches wrongfully shut down their leaders, rights and properties. Make those churches lights that show what their true enemies hide in darkness. And relieve the churches of unnecessary regulations that their enemies want to impose on them.
  3. Show the churches innocent of the absurd accusation of “terrorism.” Uphold the principle of innocent until proven guilty. And let the crackdown turn into a Holy Spirit uprising that will bless the nations.
  4. Sustain the work He is doing through international and local police to protect Haitians from gangs. Don’t allow excessive force in tear-gassing protesters who seek help in stopping the gangs. And strengthen the justice system in promoting liberty and justice for all.  

PRAYER ALERT: Nicaragua Closes 1500 Churches, Non-Profits for Non-Compliance

Almost 700 of the 1,500 groups shut down by Managua belong to the Catholics, Protestants & Pentecostals. That means Nicaragua has expanded its years-long crackdown to include churches once considered compliant.

Roman Catholic churches stood in the forefront of those who spoke against human rights abuses. Dozens of their leaders had to go to jail or into exile. Other churches remained mostly uninvolved politically. They thought they stayed safe by just registering with the government. Now hundreds of them stand accused of lacking the required financial reporting. As a result, they face confiscation of their properties, and possibly jail or exile too.

Nicaragua said the churches failed to prove they weren’t involved in “terrorism and money laundering.” Churches in Belize and elsewhere have faced similar arduous reporting requirements mandated by the UN. Why is the UN requiring churches to comply with such reporting? Why not assume innocence until proof of guilt?…

Read more in ETG article Nicaragua Closes 1,500 Churches, Non-Profits for Non-Compliance


Image by Sergio Cerrato – Italia from Pixabay

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