Nigeria Tops Christian-Killing Nations Globally

Nigeria tops Christian killing

PRAY WITH US about Nigeria tops Christian killing. Father God, we come to You as Author of birth in the flesh and birth in the Spirit. We thank You for our spiritual birth into Your life which lasts forever. But we mourn for those born-again in the Spirit whom the enemy has put to death in the flesh. Or who he has attacked in his many malicious ways. We declare him, not You, as the one who steals, kills and destroys.

So we pray for all those persecuted by killing, abductions, assaults, arrests, building attacks and displacement. We pray You will rescue them, free them, restore them to their rightful places, and rebuild them. And make them a testimony to the world and to their persecutors that You have overcome the world. And with You they too can overcome every attack, injury, bondage and even death, if they only let You be Lord of their lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Nigeria Tops Christian-Killing Nations Globally

Many know Nigeria as the site of lively Christian revivals and million-strong Reinhold Bonnke crusades. But where grace abounded, persecution also abounds. For now we also know it as the country with the most killings of Christians and the most abductions too.

The Global Christian Relief Red List reports that 9,814 Nigerian Christian got killed in 2022-2024. And the killing persists. Only Sunday, Islamic militants killed 40+ farmers in in the notorious “killing field” of NE Nigeria. And the 2014 kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls in the same area was not an isolated incident. Nigeria also led the world with 9,311 abductions/assaults on Christians. That amounts to more than even our cartel-riddled neighbor Mexico.

Besides killing and abductions, the Red List also cited the top five in three other categories. India led in building attacks, China led in arrests, and Azerbaijan in displacement of Christians. Why do we find so many African countries—six—among the fifteen ranking nations? Like Nigeria, Africa as a whole has seen waves of Islamic terrorism follow waves of Christian evangelism

Read more in ETG article Nigeria Tops Christian-Killing Nations Globally

Photo: Boko Haram Execution, public domain VOA

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