Putin—Messiah or Antichrist to Orthodox Christians?

Putin messiah or antichrist:

PRAY WITH US about Putin messiah or antichrist: Father God, we exalt You above all nations. For You make wars to cease to the ends of the earth. So we ask that You turn back this invasion. Turn the attention of Russians and Ukrainians alike to the true sources of this conflict. More than 70% of both nations call themselves Christians. Therefore reveal Christ as mediator between the two sides. Bring Putin into submission to You as King of the nations and Head of Your church.

Until that happens, give Ukrainians protection and means to survive the onslaught. Disable destructive weapons. Block access to the aggressors. And open avenues to peace and right relations. Especially among the churches. Align the nations to Your solutions to this conflict. And let it result in greater freedom and understanding of Your gospel truth on both sides. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: PutinMessiah or Antichrist to Orthodox Christians?

The world is watching the vast political effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. But most have no idea of the underlying religious conflict. In 2019, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church split off from the Russian Orthodox Church and became independent.

According to BBC’s religion producer Harry Farley, Putin “sees himself as a kind of messianic figure, a savior, to reunite Eastern Orthodox churches under Moscow.” But Ukrainian Orthodox Bishop Yevstratiy Zoria sees Putin as quite the opposite. He sees Putin as “Antichrist because everything he does…is totally against [the] Gospel, against God’s law.”

For Russia has essentially outlawed evangelism. And it persecutes Protestants and dissenting Orthodox adherents alike. In contrast, Ukraine allows religious freedom.

So do Russians, who are 71% Orthodox, support the war against Ukrainians, who are 72% Orthodox? Orthodox priests on both sides are blessing their soldiers to fight against the other side. Yet 280+ Russian orthodox priests, and 400+ Russian evangelical ministers, have called on Russia to end its invasion. Therefore we must pray for truth, freedom and peace to emerge victorious on both sides of that border.


BPN articles related to Putin messiah or antichrist:

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Also ETG articles related to Putin messiah or antichrist:

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Plus related sources for Putin messiah or antichrist:

Ukrainian bishop says Putin is the ‘Antichrist of our current time’: ‘Against God’s law’

Over 280 Russian Orthodox priests call for end to Russian invasion of Ukraine

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