Saved, Safe, Sensible— Key Qualities of Church Leaders

saved safe sensible

PRAY WITH US about saved, safe, sensible: Father God, we thank you for Jesus our Lord. For He led us to You, and He taught us how to lead others to You too. So raise up more leaders like Him. As our Shepherd He showed us how to become not only saved and safe, but circumspect and sensible. Wherever we go, help us sense Your presence and what You want to do with each one of us. Help our leaders to recognize how You are building Your church with each member of Your body

Moreover, show us how to represent you to outsiders, with “gentleness and respect.” Grow in us the fruit of the Holy Spirit to draw people closer to You. Help our leaders to maintain the right boundaries in which we can be fruitful and multiply that fruit. Then others will taste and see that You are good. And that You work all things to the good for those who love You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Saved, Safe, Sensible— Key Qualities of Church Leaders

Let me explain what I mean by “saved, safe, sensible” from 1 Timothy 3:2. “An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable…” This verse show God’s first six requirements to consider every time we evaluate a leader.  

First, he must stay “above reproach.” If he focuses on answering reproaches, he will spend more time watching out for himself. And less time watching out for others. Secondly, “the husband of one wife” literally means, a one-woman man. Whether married or single, he should not have a romantic interest in more than one woman.

Thirdly, “temperate” in the Greek means circumspect, like a shepherd or watchman. He must watch over his church members for their good. Not only to make sure they are saved, but that they are safe to be with

Read more in ETG article Saved, Safe, Sensible— Key Qualities of Church Leaders

Image by GrumpyBeere from Pixabay

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George Ferrar
Belize Prayer Network
Tree of Life Ministries
Avenida Mangle, Caye Caulker
Belize, Central America
Cell phone: 501-628-1991
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