LGBT in Belize backed by Hillary Clinton


The invitation to the US Embassy event quoted US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

PRAYER ALERT! With very little advance notice, tomorrow Wed. Dec. 6, 2011 at 9 am the US Embassy in Belmopan is staging a discussion or web chat on the LGBT agenda. As of last night their room was already filled to capacity, so no one else can be included. But we can keep informed and active, and pray! The “invitation” to this event quoted US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2010 cable on the LGBT agenda. Below are ways we can respond.

Secretary Clinton states: “In our work as a department, we must openly and explicitly affirm our commitment to the human rights of all persons, including LGBT people.”

A Response: All people in Belize already do have the same “equal and inalienable rights with which all members of the human family are endowed by their Creator”–Belize Constitution Preamble (a).

The lawsuit before our Supreme Court aims to create a new right to commit sodomy. On what grounds then do we deny people a new right to commit bestiality? Our law calls both sodomy and bestiality unnatural acts. They are not rights “endowed by their Creator.” The Creator designed the rectum as a one-way street, like a sewage pipe but much more vulnerable. In violation of the body’s design, sodomy exposes participants to infectious and contagious disease, as does bestiality. In our Constitution, laws can limit personal liberty “for the purpose of preventing the spread of infectious or contagious disease” (Article 5[1]g).

Secretary Clinton states: “The goal is to eliminate violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.”

A Response: Violence against any person is already against the law in Belize. And in our laws there is no discrimination against any person. In fact, all laws discriminate against behavior, but not against persons.

Secretary Clinton states: “Human rights are universal – no group or individual falls outside the framework of human rights protection.”

A Response: We agree, and we ask the U.S. State Department and international organization representatives, as guests of Belize, to respect our right to uphold and enforce our Constitution and our laws, which are meant for the protection of the rights of all our people. Our Constitution begins by stating in its Preamble that the “People of Belize affirm that the Nation of Belize shall be founded upon principles which acknowledge the supremacy of God” and “recognise that men and
institutions remain free only when freedom is founded upon respect for
moral and spiritual values and upon the rule of law” ([a] and [d]).
    We ask that you respect our moral and spiritual values. While you are in Belize, please refrain from promoting activities which cause disease and violate laws meant for protecting the “public safety, public order, public morality [and] public health” of Belize (Constitution 9[a]). .

PRAY WITH US: Father God, we thank You for creating all things to be good, and especially for creating us to be very good, “in the image of God…male and female” so that we may “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:27-28) We affirm that of all creation only woman is “a helper suitable for him” and that only one man and one woman “shall become one flesh” according to Your design (2:18,24). We agree with You that any other sexual union is an abomination which we must warn others to flee, since it brings awful consequences (Lev. 18:22-25). We ask for Your light to shine upon the goodness of Your design, and Your power to set captives free from this terrible deception.

Let us not be tempted by nice-sounding words from LGBT but be led by Your word, made flesh in Jesus Christ. We declare one-man and one-woman marriage as holy because it reflects Christ and His church. Let Belize not be the first of 80 targeted nations to bow to this demonic LGBT agenda, but be the first to stand against it. Thank You that You have led the churches and even political party spokesmen to be united in this stand.  Let Your church keep speaking as the conscience of Belize, with one voice for the nation and the world to hear.

LGBT related sources: Family Research Council

LGBT tags: Hillary Clinton, Belize, LGBT, LGBT agenda, LGBT rights, Secretary of State, Belize Constitution, human rights, LGBT propaganda

How to respond to the LGBT agenda


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