Will American Dream Baby Be Born or Aborted in 2025?

American Dream Baby

PRAY WITH US about American dream baby: Father God, we exalt You as a good, good Father—that’s who You are. And You loved us first—that’s who we are, Your beloved. We want You to show Your unfailing love by beginning a good new work in us. Prophetically it has begun. But we don’t want to see it aborted—in the US or any country.

So protect this dream baby called America. God bless America. Stand beside her. And guide her through all the perils that the next year holds. Stop assassination attempts. Let this baby have healthy birth pangs. Shut the mouth of the dragon that wants to devour it. And open the birth canal for a safe delivery. If the baby needs incubation, let supernatural protection descend from heaven. Then let the baby rise from hibernation to new life for America that will bless the nations. And let all the words and actions against it fall to the ground. Let a new grace period for this newborn child begin and endure. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Will American Dream Baby Be Born or Aborted in 2025?

On March 9 prophetic minister Chris Reed had what he calls the Rebirth of America Dream.” In this dream “I saw a 16-month period starting with the eclipse on April 8. After the eclipse, there were forty long weeks of pregnancy. Including intense birth pangs happening before the delivery. Complications occurred before and after the birth. Since the conception happened around April, nine months later would have the baby born in January 2025. January is also typically when the presidential inauguration takes place.”

 But he also saw the newborn baby put in an incubator until July 2025. The life of that baby, with the name tag “America”, would suffer threats until that time. Then “most of the chaos ended in the nation, and things were starting to heal.” Moreover, in the dream, Reed saw July 11 highlighted on the calendar. As we now know. July 11 was the date of President Trump’s sentencing. We can expect much moving and shaking in America during this election year because of Trump’s sentencing. But let them count as labor pains toward a wonderful new birth

Read more in ETG article Will American Dream Baby Be Born or Aborted in the Next Year?

Photo by Michal Bar Haim on Unsplash

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