EMP Aftermath Scenario -Fighting for Dwindling Resources

 EMP aftermath scenario

PRAY WITH US about EMP aftermath scenario: Father God, You are Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer. You hold the whole world in Your hands. So protect this world from EMP attacks, solar flares, or anything that would plunge us into darkness and chaos. You say that You make wars to cease to the ends of the earth. Therefore, keep ending wars that nations and terrorists want to begin. Help us better learn spiritual warfare which will disable the enemy’s plans to steal, kill and destroy.

Do not let the enemy change the times and seasons that You have ordained. Instead, let us enter a time of global arrival and awakening that we have been praying for. Let there be light instead of darkness, exposure of evil and the growth of seeds You have planted. Let this awakeninng turn into reformation and establish Your ways. But at the same time, prepare Your people for the tribulations that will come. For You have overcome the world. So help us take heart and overcome with You. In Jesus’ name, amen

PRAYER ALERT: EMP Aftermath ScenarioFighting for Dwindling Resources  

After the botched Afghanistan pullout, the world perceives a weaker US under Biden, emboldening its enemies. If an enemy launched an EMP attack against the US, the whole free world allied with it would face awful consequences.

EMP means electromagnetic pulse, a powerful pulse of radiation. If a nation or terrorist group managed to launch a nuclear bomb high in the US atmosphere, an EMP effect would result. It would not kill the people below. But it could fry the electronics in an area with up to a 900-mile radius. That would reach Belize if such bomb exploded over southern Texas or southern Florida.

This would instantly disable not only the whole power grid, but multitudes of devices that use electronics. If a few such bombs were to disable electronics in the US, gangs would rove about fighting over diminishing resources. Without electronics, they would lack any transportation except horse- or mule-drawn vehicles to transport bombs or heavy weaponry—except very old non-electronic vehicles.

That would mostly limit them to early 19th century warfare. But before long, world powers such as China and Russia would show up in the US. They could bring all kinds of electronic vehicles and weapons to take over. But the lack of electricity, functioning business and navigable roads would limit them. In the meantime, multitudes around the world who depend on US products and services would suffer unimaginably. This is one end-times-like scenario that could happen at any time.

BPN articles related to EMP aftermath scenario:

China Rivals US for Clout in Belize & Americas

ETG articles related to EMP aftermath scenario:

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Related sources for EMP aftermath scenario:

What Would Happen if an EMP Attack were Made on America …

Keyphrase: EMP aftermath scenario

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