Reefer Referendum—Will Belize Legalize Without it?

reefer referendum

PRAY WITH US about reefer referendum. Father God, we thank You that You have given all authority in heaven and earth to Your Son Jesus. And You have established authorities on earth for Your purposes. But we know that Belize as a marijuana republic does not serve Your purposes. Instead, it serves the devil’s ways of stealing, killing and destroying our youths and future.

So bend the authorities You have established to Your ways. Show favor to this referendum so we can bring hidden issues into public. Moreover, many say that a referendum cannot succeed. But You know how to awaken the hearts of shepherds to this danger to the sheep. For drug dealers want to lead them astray. But You know how to lead us all into paths of righteousness and prosperity. So show us not to despair, but to believe in the goodness of the Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Reefer Referendum—Will Belize Legalize Without it?

The media have mostly presented lengthy justifications of legalizarion by supporters. But only snippets of objections by dissenters. So realizing that only a few sentences, if any, would see daylight, NEAB kept its new press release brief.

The NEAB and its affiliated churches across the nation, in conjunction & partnership with other Church bodies nationwide, is hereby calling for a Referendum on the Legalizing of Marijuana legislation.

The people of Belize should have a voice in such a radical shift in the moral fabric of our society. And they should decide on whether to turn an illegal drug over to a legal ‘commodity.’ Because such a move would have horrendous ramifications for the future of our nation. Every nation or state that has legalized marijuana has done so by Referendum. Except Belize.”

So pray for a referendum that clears the air of many fond illusions about “pot prosperity.” Instead of allowing more smoke and mirrors to delude us.


ETG articles related to reefer referendum:

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Also, BPN articles related to reefer referendum:

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