Marijuana Republic—The Future of Belize?

PRAY WITH US against marijuana republic, that God will:

  1. Alert all legislators to the manifold dangers of legalizing marijuana. And the corrupting influence it would have on the government officials who promote and regulate it.
  2. Stop the drug industry from spreading further in Belize. For legalizing it would enable more drug trafficking in Central American and the Caribbean.
  3. Pour out His Spirit in such a way that people will turn to Him instead of drugs. For the drug business provides a ever broader way to destruction and bondage.

PRAYER ALERT: Marijuana Republic—The Future of Belize?

Now for a change, we’re going to post from another source a major statement on drug abuse. For it concerns a bill for government legalization and regulation of marijuana. Here below see a stark assessment by Father John Robinson of Mount Carmel Parish, Belize:

If Belize became a Marijuana Republic:

  • Family tourism would decrease.  Because the kind of respectful tourists that we want to attract will find other destinations.
  • Also, the black market will grow.  And other drugs will become more available.
  • Increased deaths will occur due to accidents, depression, suicide.
  • Moreover, government production and sale of drugs would give the impression to adolescents that drugs are not harmful.
  • Government production of drugs would increase adolescent access to marijuana.
  • Also, government production of drugs would mean more parents and care-givers would become high more of the time. And drug-impaired parenting is bad parenting.
  • Cognitive damage would result. Also, lower IQ in users who start young…

Read more in ETG article Marijuana Republic—The Future of Belize?

Also, BPN articles related to marijuana republic:

Legalizing Marijuana Can Impoverish Belize Further

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Plus ETG articles related to marijuana republic:

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