Conversion Therapists to Face 24 Years in Prison in Mexico

conversion therapists

 PRAY WITH US about conversion therapists, that God will:

  1. Move on the legislators to recognize the basics of life, as God designed us. As male and female, being fruitful and multiplying in families. And that they will affirm such families as basic units of society instead of tearing them down.
  2. Move on those with unwanted same-sex attractions to seek help instead of listening to deceivers. Encourage all those gifted by God to help heal their sexual identities instead of let them be outlawed. And raise up testimonies which will inspire others to get free.
  3. Also move on the whole of Mexican society to turn hearts of fathers to the children. Help children respond by turning their hearts to the true fathers. And let the ministry of reconciliation make families strong to resist the pressures of the woke movement.
  4. For Haiti, to make a sign of the imprisonment of the former president’s assassin. To change the current reign of terror into a rule of law. And to establish a peace which will allow the gospel to be preached “in all godliness and holiness.”

PRAYER ALERT: Conversion Therapists to Face 24 Years in Prison in Mexico

In Mexico the legislature is now debating a new change in the law to punish conversion therapists. It addresses counselors who facilitate a treatment that “undermines” someone’s gender identity. Or in any way “hinders, restricts, impedes…nullifies, or suppresses [their] sexual orientation.”

That makes all counseling a minefield to anyone who dares to do so even on a friendly or informal basis.

But let’s apply that same law to those who advocate gender transition. In that case, countless healthcare workers, politicians and journalists would go to prison. Yet that law would likely target counselors of people seeking freedom from unwanted same-sex attractions…

Read more in ETG article Conversion Therapists to Face 24 Years in Prison in Mexico

Image by Dieter from Pixabay

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Send a check to Tree of Life Ministries, Attn. Pat Burgess, Huntington Nat’l Bank, 1227 E. Front St. Traverse City, MI 49686


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Also related sources for conversion therapists:  

Mexican citizens to face up to 24 years in prison if lawmakers pass ‘conversion therapy’ ban

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