Alliance for Responsible Citizenship vs. Hedonistic Spirit

alliance for responsible citizenship

PRAY WITH US about alliance for responsible citizenship: Father God, we proclaim you as the greatest good of all time. For You created all things as good, and man and woman as very good. But we looked for something better from the tree You forbade. And we fell into something much more evil. Now the hedonistic spirit lures us to further falls into further evils by making them look better and better. Instead they become badder and badder.

So we thank You for exposing what the wicked call good as evil. And what they call evil as good. Keep exposing more evils that taxpayers are funding without knowing it, in all branches of government. Turn multitudes of people from evil to good, that they may find You behind all good. And raise up more servant-leaders like Jesus, leaders who sacrifice for others’ good. For we want Jesus to receive the reward for the greatest sacrifice of all. In that way we can receive and give the greatest love of all, from You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Alliance for Responsible Citizenship vs. Hedonistic Spirit

What is the spirit of the age that woke people bow to? Jordan Peterson nailed it at his opening address for the second ARC—Alliance for Responsible Citizenship—summit which he co-sponsors. He called that spirit hedonism.

He asked, what happens if “the immature longing for your immediate self-gratification” dominates you? That leaves only one option in your relationship to others. To “turn to the force and compulsion that makes them involuntary servants of your will.”

We became the involuntary servants of hedonistic will when USAID used our money for craziness…

Read more in ETG article Alliance for Responsible Citizenship vs. Hedonistic Spirit


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