Non-Criminal Sex Offenses—in the Churches

non-criminal sex offenses

PRAY WITH US about non-criminal sex offenses: Father God, You created us male and female in Your image. And You called that very good. But too often we lack respect for the way You created us. And we let attraction become distraction and desire when it is out of place. So we ask that You help us set the right boundaries that we may appreciate one another in godly ways.

If we trespass, alert us immediately. Raise up male and female counselors who know You well enough to guide us in Your ways. For when desire conceives, it gives birth to sin. And sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death. Instead, lead us into repentance for any errant ways. And restore right relationships in Your body. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Non-Criminal Sex Offenses—in the Church

Big offenses often begin with small offenses. But even small offenses may seem big to the offended one. If offenses grow to the point of breaking the law, we should immediately report them to the police.

Yet it’s better to nip them in the bud. By dealing with smaller offenses immediately, even if it’s a careless word or action. Because carelessness can lead to more carelessness and then to outright abuse.

Below I am presenting a model based on the Matthew 18:15-17 process. I put in in outline form to make it easier to follow. Although it doesn’t apply to every sex offense, some principles might…

Read more in ETG article Non-Criminal Sex Offenses—in the Church


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