Wolves Wearing “Disabilities” Clothing—New LGBT Ploy?

wolves wearing “disabilities” clothing

PRAY WITH US about wolves wearing “disabilities” clothing, that God will:

  1. Stop the “Disabilities” Bill process long enough to give everyone time to look closely at it. Guide the legislature to remove anything that endangers Belize’s God-given constitutional rights. Expose any hidden agendas which would give special rights to those who defy God’s design for the sexes.
  2. Bring people who care about the disabled together to find out what would work better for them. Help each of the disabled to find their place in society as they heal. And enable testimonies of rapid and miraculous healing for God’s glory!
  3. Help LGBTs to learn how God can heal and restore their true sexual identities. Expose the demonic agenda that persuades them to reject His good design. And put an end to the constant resurfacing of already defeated pro-LGBT bills in new guises.

PRAYER ALERT: Wolves Wearing “Disabilities” Clothing—New LGBT Ploy?

Who could oppose a bill meant to help any who are disabled? The church has often awakened the conscience of nations to abuse and injustices perpetrated on them. And in fact, the church has been addressing their needs long before most governments have. In Belize,medical missions provide more wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, etc., than any other sector.

So why did the Belize government not consult the churches on the new Disabilities Bill? Because it serves as a guise for LGBTs to later claim the same protections given to the disabled?

The first sentence of the bill raises alarming red flags. It seeks “to establish the Disabilities and Equal Opportunities Rights Tribunal.” Almost the same name as the draconian tribunal in the 2024 “Equal Opportunities Bill” (EOB). That bill gave special rights to 21 disadvantaged groups, including several LGBT categories. But it denied basic human rights to the accused

Read more in ETG article Wolves Wearing “Disabilities” Clothing—New LGBT Ploy?

Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay


BPN articles related to wolves wearing “disabilities” clothing:

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LGBT Activist Supreme Court Picks by PM Barrow

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ETG articles related to wolves wearing “disabilities” clothing:

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