EU Pushes LGBT Agenda on 79 Third-World Countries

EU Pushes LGBT Agenda

PRAY WITH US about EU pushes LGBT agenda, that God will:

  1. Move on godless EU officials to turn to Him. And by His Holy Spirit to search out and uproot perversities in their hearts. Also to reverse the perverse policies they are trying to foist on other nations.
  2. Reaffirm godly and family values that He has instilled in the 16 Caribbean countries involved. Bring these mostly small countries together to resist ungodly foreign agendas. And uproot evil seeds that the enemy has sown in them.
  3. Move on these Caribbean countries with far-reaching revival. Stir in them a desire to go on from revival to reformation. And spread revival and reformation from them to other nations.
  4. For Haiti, to overcome gang power with God power. Draw members of the 200+ gangs into life-changing experiences with Jesus Christ. And to establish security for people to lconduct peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness.


PRAYER ALERT: EU Pushes LGBT Agenda on 79 Third-World Countries


The woke sex-crazed busybodies in the EU have struck again—this time at the Third World. Currently the EU has a binding trade agreement with 48 African, 16 Caribbean & 15 Pacific (ACP) countries. Now it wants to extend that treaty for 20 years. But with pro-LGBT and pro-abortion conditions attached. Also, the EU has set up a binding decision-making agency in this agreement. This agency has the potential power to override each nation’s sovereignty on these issues.

The new provisions can also override all other existing regional agreements among the 79 countries. They push sex education and “sexual and reproductive health and rights” (SRHR). Essentially, they are trying to remake these countries in their own warped woke sexualized image.

Worse, their “comprehensive sexuality education” for young children amounts to grooming. Of course this would happen without parental consent. In this way pedophiles easily replace parents and children become their prey. If you can stomach it, you can read many of the nefarious details here.

Our message back to them should be: “No, we won’t let foreigners rape our countries!”


Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay


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