Will Brazil Follow Venezuela into Socialism?

Will Brazil Follow Venezuela

PRAY WITH US about will Brazil follow Venezuela, that God will:

  1. Show His authority in the lives of Brazilians and Venezuelans. Provide for their food, health and education in His way. And show that they rely far more on Him than on any government.
  2. Move and shake the governments to move His way. Especially to establish authorities who will hear His voice and learn His ways. And to make them accountable to both Him and the people they serve.
  3. Expose, prosecute and clear out all election wrongdoing. Establish policies that allow free and fair elections that people can have confidence in. And show that Jesus alone deserves to be the Lord of their individual lives and of their nations.


PRAYER ALERT: Will Brazil Follow Venezuela into Socialism?

Finally the socialist regime of Maduro was able to get the enduring opposition leaders to agree on something. They will allow a UN-managed agency to finance food, health and education programs for the poor. But will the US and European governments let Venezuelan assets they have frozen to help fund them?

If they do, they will actually help the socialist regime to keep its grip on power. In fact, the Biden administration responded to the agreement by letting the US oil giant Chevron pump Venezuelan oil. Instead of pumping the US’ own oil, which would vastly improve the US and world economy.

Will Brazil follow Venezuela in installing a socialist regime and holding increasingly phony elections? For both the US and European nations have said that the 2019 Venezuelan election was fraudulent. But they don’t want anyone to suggest that the recent Brazilian election may have involved fraud too.

However, a massive movement in Brazil itself does contend there was voter fraud. Farmers are blocking all ports from exporting agricultural goods. Truckers have blocked all highways. Many protesters are calling on the military to intervene. If the election results stand, a socialist-leaning government of Lula da Silva will take power. Will it then go the way of Venezuela in staging fraudulent elections, perpetrating its power, and impoverishing its citizens?


Photo by Martin Heinlein, Wikimedia Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license


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