Child Development Foundation Rescues Abuse Victims

Child Development Foundation:

PRAY WITH US for Child Development Foundation: Father God, thank You that You have made us Your children through Your Son Jesus Christ. Yet you want us to mature until we reach His full stature. Help us grow through painful situations like these. Turn the hearts of parents to their children. And turn the deceitful ways of predators away from them. Let the words of those who would taunt and mock fall to the ground. Instead, send forth Your word, that victims might be completely healed. And bring out testimonies to many more who need healing, so they would turn to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAYER ALERT: Child Development Foundation Rescues Abuse Victims

Recently in Belize, at least 5 young women went public alleging abuse by a well-known worship leader. Not only should we deeply empathize with them, we should pray for complete healing. And thank God we have counselors like those at Child Development Foundation.

CDF, a Christian organization, came to the rescue when the first victim, her family & church sought help. Led by attorney Diana Shaw, CDF has more than two decades of experience with such cases. For three years, we’ve had CDF on our list of counselors that pastors refer to for extra help.

All of these counselors know you can’t come up with instant solutions when you’re dealing with long-term effects of sexual abuse. While victims must be separated from perpetrators, both need extensive in-depth counseling. And the churches should lead the way, especially when one of our own is the alleged abuser. For that reason CDF will be holding another series of seminars in September… 


Read more in ETG article Child Development Foundation Rescues Abuse Victims

To donate to BPN or ETG:

Send a check to Tree of Life Ministries, Attn. Pat Burgess, Huntington Nat’l Bank, 1227 E. Front St. Traverse City, MI 49686

Image by Anja from Pixabay

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Tags for child development foundation: Sexual abuse, sex with minors, sexual predators, Christian counseling, sex trafficking

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