Vigilantes vs. Street Gangs in Haiti—Fighting Fire with Fire

Vigilantes vs. Street Gangs

PRAY WITH US about vigilantes vs. street gangs, that God will:

  1. Act as a wall of fire around the most vulnerable Haitian neighborhoods to prevent violence either way. Reach desperate hearts of those who have lost homes and loved ones to this chaos. And serve as a shield around homes and families, and the Lifter of their heads.
  2. Disarm the gangs, frustrate their plans, and bring heavy conviction on them. Disband them and turn them toward ways that lead to Christ. And let their victims, who think that help remains far off, know that their redemption is near.
  3. Raise up defenders of the peace and empower them to overcome. Raise up leaders in the land who know their God and take action. And surprise the world by making the weak shame the strong and by bringing their enemies to terms of peace.

PRAYER ALERT: Vigilantes vs. Street Gangs in Haiti—Fighting Fire with Fire

Seven gang coalitions—with 200 affiliated groups—have terrorized Haitian neighborhoods for two years. That includes 80% of the capital city Port-au-Prince. In April alone, the kill rate rose to 600, while it totaled 846 in the previous three months. But at the end of April a vigilante movement began to strike back—in the most gruesome ways.

It began when police detained 13 suspected gang members at a traffic stop in Port-au-Prince. “We took them from the police and finished them,” recalled Israel Bien-Aimé, a local resident. By finishing them, Bien-Aimé said he meant that they stoned the suspects and set them on fire.

In the next two months, vigilantes wreaked revenge by killing at least 164 people. This includes maiming and beheading suspects. They have barricaded their neighborhoods with used tires, old cars and barbed wire to control access. Many lie under siege by gangs that claim their turfs

Read more in ETG article Vigilantes vs. Street Gangs in Haiti—Fighting Fire with Fire

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