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Top 8 Terrorist Crime Groups of Latin America

PRAY WITH US about top 8 terrorist crime groups, that God will: Protect and deliver civilians from danger zones where terrorists operate. Give the churches and ministries that serve them discernment about safe routes and safe places. And make the strikes against terrorists and their weapons surgical and effective. Warn terrorist group members to repent […] Continue reading →

Cartel Wars Move Closer to Belizean Border

PRAY WITH US about cartel wars move closer: Father God, we exalt You as the holy Lord of hosts. And we call on You to send Your heavenly hosts to the border of Belize and Mexico. Because wars between heavily-armed and heavily-funded cartels have moved closer to that border. And Belize’s forces are small and […] Continue reading →

Cartel Hit-Man Allegedly Kills Two Jesuit Priests

PRAY WITH US about cartel hit-man, that God will: Search out the hidden evils of drug cartels and bring them to light. For no one can hide from Your Spirit, who searches all things. Also keep searching out hidden people-groups, who are so often victimized by cartels. Protect priests, journalists, tourists and others, especially those […] Continue reading →

Pirates of the Caribbean and Gulf Return

PRAY WITH US about pirates of the Caribbean, that God will: 1.       Set angelic watchmen all around the Caribbean and the Gulf to alert authorities to pirates and smugglers. And to expose their hiding places and their drug stashes. 2.       Watch over the governments to expose hidden corruption and collaboration with drug dealers. And for […] Continue reading →

Syncretist Mexican Catholics Persecute Evangelicals

PRAY WITH US about syncretist Mexican Catholics, that God will: 1.       Give unconverted Mexicans a revelation of Jesus Christ as the only way to the Father. And that they will find true salvation in no other name but His. 2.       Protect both evangelists and converts from persecution by cartels and syncretist communities. And to make […] Continue reading →

Economic Recovery & Antivirus Strategies

PRAY WITH US on seeking economic recovery. Father God, You sit enthroned above the highest heavens. Yet because of Your Son Jesus, we can approach Your throne of grace with confidence. We seek Your mercy and help in this time of deep need. In Belize we had already sunk far over our heads in debt. […] Continue reading →