Marijuana Republic—The Future of Belize?

PRAY WITH US against marijuana republic, that God will: Alert all legislators to the manifold dangers of legalizing marijuana. And the corrupting influence it would have on the government officials who promote and regulate it. Stop the drug industry from spreading further in Belize. For legalizing it would enable more drug trafficking in Central American […] Continue reading →

Raising Standards Evangelical Manifesto, Pt.2

RAISING STANDARDS EVANGELICAL MANIFESTO, Part 2. This week we present three more key issues on which evangelicals must take public stands. Specifically, our nations need to hear what the Spirit is saying on drug policy, corruption, and curriculum. In Belize evangelicals have agreed on these issues and on abortion, traditional family and gender policy. Therefore […] Continue reading →

Raising Standards Evangelical Manifesto

RAISING STANDARDS EVANGELICAL MANIFESTO. We must keep taking strong public biblical stands on the issues of our day. Otherwise, the Word will go unheard and anti-God agendas will prevail. Our National Evangelical Association of Belize (NEAB) has spoken out often to government and media on key issues. But we don’t always have time to respond […] Continue reading →