The Marc Nuttle Debt Wall

CHRISTIAN NEWS SOURCES: The Marc Nuttle Debt Wall 8/8/11 The Situation The primary issue is far too much sovereign debt, and not enough easily available liquid capital to fund it. Left unaddressed, the world will hit a Debt Wall when ready funds are totally absorbed and governments are left with no choice but to raise […] Continue reading →

Please stop sexualizing children

CHRISTIAN NEWS: SOURCE Dr. Michael L. Brown – OneNewsNow Guest Columnist – 8/16/2011 11:20:00 AM. The recent cover of the French edition of Vogue magazine caused considerable controversy, and it was not because of the all too typical, female model featured in a sensual pose. Instead, it was the fact that the model this time was a […] Continue reading →

Israeli borders threatened by UN vote

PRAYER ALERT. We must stand for the current Israeli borders. They are now being threatened by the United Nations. Between now and September the UN plans to vote on imposing the pre-1967 Israeli borders, whether Israel objects to this land grab or not. These borders are indefensible. Israel’s key ally in the UN has always […] Continue reading →